Year 13 Mock Examination Results
Our Ref: CBH/CJT
14 March 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
Having completed their mock examinations, our Year 13 students are at a crucial stage of their education as they begin final preparations for their A Level examinations this summer. We would like to draw your attention to the information below as we seek to ensure that all students maximise their potential in these examinations.
Year 13 Mock Examination Results
The results of these examinations are enclosed with this letter. We encourage you to discuss these with your son/daughter and contact us should you have any questions regarding the outcomes. Where we have identified significant concerns regarding progress, we will contact parents/carers to discuss how we can support your son/daughter through the rigours and demands of the remaining weeks.
Summer Examination Information
Students have been provided with their individual examination timetables, and the examination period is set to run between Monday 13 May - Tuesday 25 June 2024. Students are expected to attend Sixth Form every day until they commence study leave on Friday 17 May. During the examination period, students must attend all examinations that they are entered for, as failure to do so will jeopardise their final A Level outcomes.
Revision and Support
We strongly advise all students to take advantage of the additional support that is being offered across many curriculum areas at present. We are running a programme of revision and support sessions over the Easter Holiday period, details of which will be shared with students so that they can sign up to sessions they wish to attend. Many subject areas are also providing revision sessions on a weekly basis, which we strongly advise students to attend. The demands of A Level examinations cannot be underestimated, and for this reason, it is also essential that students complete significant independent revision both at home and during their independent study periods.
Finally, we recognise that the weeks ahead will be particularly demanding for students. We are always here to support students and to provide advice on managing exam stress. If you have any concerns in this area, we request that you get in touch so that we can assist.
We would like to thank you for your support so far this year, and look forward to the months ahead, as we work together to ensure every one of our students achieves the best possible outcomes and accesses their preferred choice of onwards destination in the summer.
Yours faithfully
Christina Hook
Vice Principal – Sixth Form