Year 13 Assessment Results
14 October 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 13 Assessment Results
Please find enclosed the results of the recent assessments that were completed by students in Year 13. These can also be viewed via the SIMS app. We would encourage you to discuss the outcomes of these assessments with students, in particular any areas in which students are currently under-performing. Should you have any specific concerns, please contact subject teachers or the Sixth Form Leadership Team, who will be happy to discuss these with you. Students will sit a further set of formal assessments in the week commencing Monday 2 December.
Predicted Grades
Students will shortly be informed of their predicted grades for each of the subjects that they study. These are the grades that will be submitted when students apply to university through UCAS, or apply for apprenticeships or employment. They are based upon each student’s overall performance on the course to date, and the progress that subject staff expect students to continue to make over their remaining period of study. Please note, the grades that students achieve at the end of their courses cannot be guaranteed, and will depend upon a number of factors. We are always keen to work with our students and staff to ensure that each student’s predicted grades are both aspirational and achievable.
Year 13 Revision Sessions
We are delighted to be able to offer our Year 13 students a comprehensive programme of additional revision and support sessions, taking place at the beginning and end of each day. The full programme is available to view on the Sixth Form website. We highly recommend that students attend these sessions in addition to completing their own independent study, and always notice that there is a strong correlation between regular attendance at revision sessions and performance in final examinations.
UCAS Applications and Personal Statements
Our Year 13 students continue to receive support with their university applications this half-term, and we are offering a final Personal Statement Workshop between 3:00-4:00pm on Wednesday 13 November, open to any students still requiring support in this area. The final deadline for all UCAS applications is Wednesday 29 January, however, we do encourage students to submit their applications before the end of the Autumn term wherever possible. Please be aware that should there be any circumstances that have negatively impacted upon a student’s GCSE or A Level study, these can now be included on the UCAS application form, so it is important that we are informed of any such circumstances as soon as possible.
Should you wish to discuss further the contents of this letter, or any other aspect of your son/daughter’s education, please do get in touch with me at the Academy, and I would like to thank you once again for your support this half-term.
Yours faithfully
Mrs C B Hook
Vice Principal