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Careers Guidance & Support

Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College provides every student with a comprehensive and stable programme of support with all aspects of decision making about future options and potential careers. Using the Gatsby Benchmarks for excellence in Careers Education to shape our provision, we aim to raise the aspirations of all students and ensure that they have opportunities to:

  • Understand and consider the full range of options that are available to them post A Level.
  • Access the advice and guidance of an impartial, trained Careers Adviser, who provides support tailored to the needs of each learner, through individual interviews and open-access drop-in sessions.
  • Access the support of both a Tutor and the wider Sixth Form Management Team at every stage of their time with us.
  • Access good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities.
  • Learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace.
  • Link what they are learning in class with careers.
  • Participate in a range of enrichment activities that serve to enhance employability skills and student awareness of different working environments.
  • Hear from and engage with a wide variety of visiting speakers, including Higher Education institutions, employers and apprenticeship providers.
  • Receive structured support with UCAS applications, or other applications as required, including interview preparation.

The designated Careers Lead for Sixth Form is Mrs K Clorley. 01472 500 505, enquiries@tollbarmatsixthform.co.uk.

Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College Careers Programme 2018/19

This programme is reviewed on annual basis, with the next review due on 27th September 2019.

Careers Programme 2018/19

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