Key Stage 5
What can students do to develop their skills in this subject area?
- Complete past paper questions.
- Use the resources on the V drive to go over content covered in lessons.
- Use Kerboodle to complete interactive activities that test knowledge and understanding.
- Keep notes/resources organised.
What wider reading can be completed to support the curriculum?
- New Scientist Magazine (articles are often posted on social media).
- RSC Magazine (requires subscription to the RSC but is often only £1 for students).
- Chemistry - Zach Brock.
- Principles of Biochemistry - Abraham White, Philip Handler and Emil Smith.
- Chemistry for Changing Times - John Hill, Terry McCreary and Doris Kolb.
- Materials Science - E. N. Ramsden.
- The Periodic Kingdom - P. W. Atkins.
- The Disappearing Spoon - Sam Kean.
- CGP Chemistry Revision Guide - OCR B.
- Maths Skills for A Level Chemistry (Oxford).
Lectures and Public Events:
- The Royal Society of Chemistry -
What websites could students visit to support the curriculum?
How can parents/carers help and what can be done at home?
- Encourage students to participate in work experience and further enrichment to broaden scientific experiences.
- Encourage your son or daughter to assist with lower school extra-curricular clubs or support in lower school Science lessons.
- Purchase revision guides.
- Ensure your son or daughter has a good college/work/life balance.